Sonntag, 11. September 2016

Wargaming with flats: OOB recap and expansion plans

To plan out my next painting bouts and purchases from Grünewald, I decided to do a quick roll call on what I have available so far and make sure I often hit points where I can use all available minis for test games with somewhat balanced forces.

1. Current status (May 2016)

I have available painted and ready to rumble the forces that met in the first encounter and its replay:

Prussia: 2 Grenadier battalions, 2 Fusilier battalions
Allies: 2 Infantry battalions, 1 Cuirassier regiment

At face value that adds up to (inf+cav) 2+1 Allied units vs 4+0 Prussian, or 5+5+4+4 = 18 morale points for Prussia and 4+4+5 = 13 for the Allies, but the cavalry gives the Allies more flexibility so with some luck they can hold the Prussians back as they did in the first attempts.

2. Next round of additions

Since the last games, I have added one Hussar regiment for the Prussians. Next I will paint the first two of four Kurmainz batallions, to get to 4+1 units for each side. 

In terms of morale, this will make it 4+4+5+5+4 = 22 for the Prussians, and 4x4+5 = 21 for the Allies if the Allied troups are all rated as per default rules. This should allow for a pretty balanced game, though I suspect the main point will be whether initial positions end up having the cavalry units facing each other or not.

3. Further purchases

The next purchase will add another two Kurmainz battalions. After that I will have 6+1 vs 4+1 units, and can use that to try out an Allied army with lower ratings for the regular infantry, e.g. 3 for all of them except maybe the Kurpfalz guards, that would make it 5x3+4+4 =23 (downgrading the Cuirassiers to 4, too) against the same 22 for Prussia as above. I could also experiment with rolling for each Allied unit's morale (3 or 4) on first use.

After that, the Prussians will get another cavalry unit so I can try 6+1 vs 4+2 units. Morale would then be 28 Allies vs 26 Prussians at default values, or something like 24 vs 26 if the Allies are randomly downgraded one step. I guess both variants are worth a try, and it will be interesting to see which is more balanced.

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